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Is it True, is it Necessary, is it Kind? Now You’re Talking




A group of weather worn pilgrims plying their way along the back and dusty roads of Jerusalem were passing by the home of particular Pharisee gentry (known for his religious piety) at a time when he was hosting a lavish bar mitzvah feast. The pilgrims were often forced to fast for the lack of food as they were sustained by the kindness of strangers. The Pharisee sized upon this opportunity to exclaim his magnanimity of piety by inviting these religious pilgrims into his home to enjoy and partake and thus proclaiming a venerable charity. The pilgrims overwhelmed with hunger did not stand on the regular cultural formalities and dove in to abate their pangs of hunger. The Pharisee spoke to their  leader Jesus of Nazareth in the harshest of tones, I thought you were holy men, how is that they partake without washing their hands a sacrilege (washing your hands before eating as well before praying was an agreed part of the law of Moses). And Jesus replied, it is not what goes into a man’s mouth that defileth him, it’s what comes out. (You don’t say)

Before speaking ask yourself, is it true, is it necessary, and is it kind. This will most often negate the need to speak, while allowing you to listen with an interest born of enthusiasm and not for the validation of audition.

As brevity is the soul of wit, guile takes awhile to sink to the depth of a quip, but sarcasm stays busy sharpening the knives that cut flesh to the quick.

See you on the radio



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Our mission is to inform, inspire, and empower alcoholics anonymous sponsorship locally and internationally to be their very best --- both personally and spiritually.

I would like to acknowledge Hamilton B and his tireless work in the recovery community and his work "Twelve Step Sponsorship How it works" a Hazelton publication and his permission to use what ever was needed to make possible my ongoing sponsorship workshop and Step study and this website.